We need more midwife Care Makers! Check out what Liverpool students did!


I received an email today from the Royal College of Midwives, asking me to post this wonderful news item on my blog. And I was delighted to, for many reasons.

As I regularly use Twitter and connect with nurses and midwives at all levels, I read about the massive impact the Compassion in Practice strategy is having on the NHS…both at the bedside and on social media. I've been enthused by the role of Care Makers, and have been trying to encourage more midwives to join. So if you are a student midwife, or a midwife, this may encourage you!

Care Makers are health and social care staff (student and qualified) who act as ambassadors for the 6Cs. They are selected for demonstrating a commitment to spreading the word about Compassion in Practice across the NHS. Care Makers create a unique link between national policy and strategy to staff working with patients. The aim is to capture the ‘spirit’ of London 2012, learning from the way Games Makers were recruited, trained and valued and  instilling the spirit of energy and enthusiasm they created.


This January five Liverpool John Moores Midwifery Students represented their University at a Nursing and Midwifery Celebration Event at Liverpool Women's Hospital. These students (pictured above) volunteered as Caremakers at the event, which showcased services at Liverpool Women's Hospital. The day was a huge success, with notable external speakers, stakeholders, staff and service users in attendance. Nursing and Midwifery workforce also got the opportunity to make a commitment to their patients in part of the new strategy at the Women's titled "Our Promise to Patients".


Three of the students also represented the University and Trust as Student Quality Ambassadors - a new role developed in the North West of England for students to champion and highlight good practice and challenge areas needing development in the practice areas of their placements. Student Midwife Ela Yuregir said "Having just started my Midwifery training I am keen to get involved in the sphere of Midwifery both at a local and regional level which is why I chose to become an SQA at The Women's Hospital. Events like this one really inspire me as I can see the staff here are so passionate about the women they care for, and it's great to see the Hospital are so pro-active in acknowledging and improving their great standard of care" Student Clare Bratherton comments on her experience taking part in the "Me Effect" video launched at the event: "I was really proud to be asked by Liverpool Women's hospital to represent LJMU by taking part in  video.  It highlights the impact that every individual has on patient experience and care.  The nursing and midwifery celebration day saw the launch of this and to be present as a Caremaker was a real privilege." Tisian Lysnkey-Wylkie explains how the event highlighted to her the passion that her mentors still have "As a student midwife in the middle of my training it's great to be part of an event and see my mentors keen to engage in the trust they work for, and be proud to work at LWH. That to me shows that they are still motivated and passionate about midwifery and include themselves in progressing to provide better maternity care for our women. I am proud to be a student learning in a trust that is so dedicated to women's health and look forward to the rest of my training here. As an SQA it's part of my role to highlight good practice an developments that benefit those in the NHS, at a time when midwives are under pressure celebration days are needed to show the appreciation that midwives deserve, more events should be done to acknowledge their hard work" The event was a great success overall and the students hope that their roles as both Care Makers and SQAs will inspire current and future JMU Midwifery Students to get involved with their local trusts.

WOW! What incredibly motivated and passionate student midwives…well done to all of you for representing your organisations, the NW of England, and MIDWIFERY! Thank you!

So come on fellow midwives…join the crew
